The information on these pages will help you determine if your organisation is eligible to apply for a grant from the Ross Trust, and should allow you to see how we might work together to create positive social change so Victorians can thrive.

Reading the information about our process will also give you some hints as to what you will need to do both before and after your application. If you would like to know how the Ross Trust generates its income for distribution as charitable grants, please read our fact sheet and governance information.

All grants are by invitation only. If you wish to express initial interest, please contact us

  • Exclusions

    There are a range of grant exclusions which mean an organisation will not qualify for funding by the Ross Trust.

    Learn more

  • Terms of engagement

    Once you receive a grant, there are a few things we need your help with.

    Learn more

  • Measurement, Evaluation and Learning

    Guidelines for grantees - supporting learning and future decision-making.

    Learn more

  • Impact investments

    From time to time, the Ross Trust has engaged in impact investing aligned with our current strategy and funding priorities.

    Learn more